For Clients
MMC Advisors to support your teams and make Offsite work for you in reality
Helping you avoid the pitfalls of Offsite
The commercial / business reasons for adopting Offsite techniques are compelling. Building with less labour; meeting demand; complying with environmental requirements and expectations; readying your business for anticipated regulatory changes: they’re all challenges which Offsite can help you overcome.
To maximise the benefits, it’s crucial to get it right. As with any construction process, there can be pitfalls, especially if you and your teams are not entirely familiar with the techniques... which is where having our support makes a difference.
Our knowledge and expertise cover all aspects of Offsite,
from your adoption strategy right through to project hand-over and beyond.

Offsite Strategy
No one MMC solution suits every case.
Working with you and your teams, we can identify the system(s) best suited to your company and / or individual projects.

The virtues of early consideration of MMC and early involvement of the supply chain are well documented... what we do is help you make it work in 'real life'.
We can help you drive efficiency savings, quality improvements and better performance.

Supplier Selection
​Having the right suppliers makes a genuine difference. They all have strengths and weaknesses; we can find you the best match for your company and your projects.
It’s all about putting you in the best position to achieve successful outcomes.

Inspections & Investigations
​When your teams need specialist support we have the knowledge and experience to investigate quickly, identify issues, and suggest practical, workable solutions.
We guide your teams to embed inspection, investigation and resolution into your ways of working.