Supporting a Project Team to
build successfully with a
‘new-to-them’ system
Barratt Homes was a new client for Westbrook & Bell. Already an experienced user of MMC (modern methods of construction), in 2019, 20% of the housebuilder’s homes incorporated an element of MMC, and the company has a publicly-stated target to achieve 25% by 2025.
Despite its experience with timber framing and light steel frame (LSF), the Berrington Place project in Birmingham called for an LSF system which was new to Barratt Homes. The system specified is well-established and widely used across the UK, but this was the first-ever Barratt Group project to use it; what’s more, the build team had no experience of working with light steel frame.
Barratt Homes was looking to appoint expert consultants to support and guide the construction team through the project. The company considered various options and - as a light steel frame specialist – Westbrook & Bell was chosen to provide an LSF check service. Our task was to ensure that what was built on-site met the requirements for Building Regulations, NHBC warranty and internal Barratt standards.
We started with a thorough review of the drawing details, following that with a number of site visits to inspect and report on the light steel elements. It’s a proven approach which helps ensure buildings are constructed in accordance with the specification and best practice. Typically, we concentrate on key criteria, including (but not limited to): detailing, durability, structural stability, fire resistance, acoustic performance and thermal performance.
At the outset, we planned five site visits for Berrington Place, to coincide with key stages of the construction process:
1st inspection – to coincide with the initial panel erection and first floor deck assembly
2nd inspection – when the roof was being installed on the building, the steel frame was practically complete and the fire barriers between the light steel frame were largely installed
3rd inspection – when the first fix of mechanical, electrical and joinery components was underway, after the building was dry and the fire soffit at ceiling levels was installed
4th inspection – when VCL, air control and fire stopping of service penetrations were all in place, but before the drylining had closed these in
5th inspection – when linings were in place, fire doors etc. installed, but potentially before final finishing and decoration
External claddings were also inspected; typically available to view during both of the last 2 inspections
In practice, some aspects took additional visits and meetings to support the Barratt construction team in resolving issues and ensuring the details were being interpreted and delivered accurately. In particular, during the design review, the design team identified a number of key features which needed additional attention, including some critical fire issues. We provided timely solutions to ensure these were resolved before the walls were closed in.
During the construction phase, we provided specialist, yet practical, down-to-earth support for the site construction team. This enabled them to build using a new-to-them system with the same confidence as they would with more familiar construction techniques, and with the understanding and authority to manage sub-contractors to get the best out of them.
Together, we delivered a compliant building, known to be ‘built right’, with approvals from Building Control and warranty providers.
Barratt Homes is delighted to have won an NHBC quality award for Berrington Place (so are we!) Our contact said: "Thanks for all your help in achieving this."